Learn-From-Lei Feng Event
On the afternoon of 20th March, 2018, led by Director Xu Zuitai with the International Department and teacher Jin Gensheng with the Youth League Committee, Anqing Foreign Language School’s league member representatives, some students from the Volunteer Association in addition to our foreign teachers headed for the Home of Mu Yang Rehabilitation Training Center for Handicapped Children to conduct the ‘Learn-From Lei Feng and Make Donation to Charity’ exchange campaign.
First of all, at the teaching area, teachers from the Rehabilitation Training Center brought students a splendid course. Meanwhile, under the unified arrangement of Anqing Foreign Language School’s International Department, the foreign teachers presented the children a fabulous oral English class, which won warm applause from the parents and teachers.
Second of all, students took turns to visit each function division of the center, entered the life of the disabled children who proceeded rehabilitation training here, experienced in person the daily educational work, interacted intimately with the children as well as communicated with the teachers and parents.
Third of all, during the event, the children in the Home of Mu Yang Rehabilitation Training Center were vigorous and optimistic. Besides, their parents were steadfast and the teachers were affectionate and industrious, which deeply moved the teachers and students from Anqing Foreign Language School. Moreover, teacher Zhang from the center introduced in details various aspects of the center in terms of the establishment background, development concept, team building, volunteer status and activity implementation.
Fourth of all, Director Xu Zuitai with the International Department and teacher Jin Gensheng with the Youth League Committee presented gifts to the Home of Mu Yang Rehabilitation Training Center on behalf of Anqing Foreign Language School and invited the children to tour Anqing Foreign Language School when spring blossomed.
After the informative event, Anqing Foreign Language School’s students expressed one after another that they would not only spread the concept of the center, but also mobilize more people around to care for and help the handicapped children to genuinely let them live with dignity and hopes in the future.






